

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Texas woman accuses business partner of fraud

HOUSTON — A Texas woman is suing her a business partner, alleging the defendant secretly took $368,000 from their partnership.

Robin Naron Polka filed a lawsuit June 28 in the Houston Division of the Southern District of Texas against Leisa Tompkins alleging breach of fiduciary duties, unlawful conversion and constructive fraud.

According to the complaint, in November 2015, without Polka's knowledge or consent, Tompkins traveled to a Texas bank and secretly withdrew $368,000 in cash from their partnership account that they opened just a few days before. 

The suit says Polka has been injured financially and does not have access to her rightful share of the partnership property. The plaintiff alleges Tompkins used the stolen money from their partnership to purchase a home in Colorado, which she is using exclusively for her own personal benefit.

Polka seeks a trial by jury, the return of the converted partnership property of $368,000, actual, exemplary and statutory damages, attorney fees, legal costs, interest and such other relief to which she is justly entitled. Polka is represented by attorney Jeremy A. Fielding of Lynn Pinker Cox & Hurst LLP in Dallas.

Houston Division of the Southern District of Texas Case number 4:16-cv-01877

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